Have you noticed that your recent saved routes don’t appear in search results, or that the link you shared isn’t accessible? This may be because these routes are set to private.
Only public routes are displayed on the search page. Private routes are only visible in your personal space.
To adjust visibility settings
On the website
- Log in to your account
- Click on “My Routes” at the top right of the screen.
- Modify visibility at the time of saving:
- When saving from the editor, click on “More options” and set the visibility by clicking on the padlock icon to the right of “Private Route”:
- Closed padlock, red button: Private route
- Open padlock, light grey button: Public route
- Modify visibility after saving:
- Go to “My Routes”, select the route, and adjust the visibility by clicking on the padlock.
On the mobile app
- From the route page:
- Click on the three vertically aligned dots at the top right.
- Select “Edit info”.
- Click on “Sharing”.
- Choose “Private” or “Public”, then save.
A public route is visible to the entire OpenRunner community. Make sure to share accessible routes and respect intellectual property rights as well as private paths (unless prior agreement).
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